medical notes
hey all, just like to do a bit of publicity.i am performing a small item in a music concert organised by a classmate (medicine). varied performances, including sextets, flute quartet, acapella, guzheng, erhu (that guy is DAMN pro), and piano performances. i would be performing in a violin and piano duet.
the concert would probably be around three hours. and only costs $6. it's damn cheap. and it's damn worth it. excluding me, the people performing are all like at least diploma standard people. all damn pro one. except me. but yeah.
wanna come? i could help you all get tickets, then you all can collect at the door. only got 200 seats. at YMS (young musicians' society) at waterloo street. this saturday the 22nd of sept. 6pm.
so so? if u want, comment, or msg me. you know my number dont you? otherwise, ask around for it. haha, i'm not putting my number on the web. :)