Joyce's Birthday Lunch
We celebrated Joyce's bday one day was a last minute kinda thing...Still, many pple showed up! Hmm, Yuen, Zhen, Wei Zhe, Aaron, Yi Xiang, Ian Tatt, James, Siong Luong, me, and of cos, Joyce showed up!...Anyway, we just met at Swenson's for lunch...a simple affair, but it was great nonetheless...nothing beats great company! :) Below are the pics we took today!

SC3 SCANDAL OF THE DAY!!! Read all abt it!!! The love story in 3 parts.Zhen Yang decides to make his affections known to he got her a bouquet of flowers....

2. Zhen approaches Joyce!!! A moment of anticipation...Yi Xiang looks happy for them...haha :DDD

3. Joyce accepts Zhen's affections...hahahaha...okay just kidding!!! The flowers were from Aaron, Zhen and Yi was Aaron's idea to get them...

Joyce looks lovely with her sunflowers! They actually match her top! Haha...

Grp shot 1: Everyone's unprepared...except for Aaron who's prepared to shun my cam...

grp shot 2: Why is Aaron so camera-shy??? Pretending to look at the menu...tsktsk...Spot the rare guests, Aaron, Yuen and Siong Luong!!! Yuen and Siong Luong will both be staying in NTU hostels...sorry oop.

Joyce and I shared the Blondie! It was yummmmmyy! It was an experience eating it, cos the hot brownie wld burn yr tongue and the icecream wld soothe it at the same time...hahahaha...ok now it sounds so unappetizing...

James, Yi Xiang and Siong Luong!

Zhen Yang and Wei Zhe...Zhen passed his driving test ytd! Congrats again!

Joyce, me and Yuen Ting!

James, Yi Xiang, Siong Luong and Ian Tatt

Wei Zhe finishes off the remnants of Zhen Yang's apple crumble..

Wei Zhe with his ice cream...he cld finish the whole thing by himself!

I asked Joyce to pose with her cute doggie handbag..