Countdown : 1 day 1 night or 20 hours
Last wishes
Mike : I want Sony Ericsson W950i!!! lol
Santa: Sorry but business has closed, Christmas is over.. please try again later..
Mike : Wei Zhe..u are surely a very OOP Santa haha
***Ok pple,
We're meeting at 11am, outside ghim moh macs tmr. probably have lunch around that area, then go back to sch for thanksgiving service at 1pm.
Pls let Weizhe or Steph know if u are coming along.

joyce looks so feminine...

the crowd


robyn and her scgs frens

yuen and joyce (sof bunny)...kidding!

xiujun, me. rob

us at BK

doesn't joyce look so feminine?

robyn and her scgs frens

Oldham hall girls

A 2nd pic with Miss Lai

Wheel of Fortune!

This pro little boy...actually he's from brmc too i think

rob and peiyun

trying to capture Ms Tan but she left so quickly! she's the one in pink..

rob and me

pic with Miss Lai

deb, me, rob. yamini