Thursday, December 29, 2005
Make fun of my hand some more and I'll claw u with me good hand!!! haha..just kidding, he didn't really say that
Yixiang playing peek-a-boo with la just kidding...but I still dunno what he's doing...hahaha
Is Steph bored? hahaha, I noe I was such a boring host...I made everyone play the number game...hahaha
Joyce looks so happy! Her present from MH was in a cake box...and MH took delight in asking us to guess what it was...I guess cakes...hahaha....I was wrong obviously...MH jus ran out of wrapping paper
Ferrero Rocher chocs from Ian Tatt!...Yixiang could already guess what it was from the shape of the present..then Ian Tatt let the cat out of the bag himself
A nice bottle and mug from Weizhe! I didn't noe that the Perrier bottle contained mineral water....I had never heard of Perrier before..hahaha
MH (not Minghao/Minhow) gets a photoframe from James! Very helpfully I reminded the class that MH's bday was not so long ago when they were thinking of taupoking Ian Tatt..but nothing happened to MH in the end...hahaha...I think he has his fair share of taupoks over the 2 years alr..
Ian Tatt, who speaks proper proper English, gets The Coxford Singlish Dictionary from ZhenYang...hahahaha